This is an easy chili recipe that you can throw in the slow cooker and forget about all day. Great topped with Cheddar cheese, crushed corn chips, and...
I was going to attempt a chili recipe I got from a friend and discovered I had none of the ingredients. I already had my meats thawed and was set on chili...
Makes 10-15 servings. This recipe can be adjusted according to your taste preferences, so you can leave out undesirable ingredients or add others that...
Ground turkey, stewed tomatoes, and four kinds of beans make this chili quick, light, and flavorful. It's great served in bowls and sprinkled with cheese...
A traditional style chili that can be made with ground turkey or ground beef. I have made this recipe with ground beef and ground turkey, and they both...
Green chili is a Colorado favorite, it's always a crowd pleaser when we have out-of-state visitors. Roasting your veggies first gives this recipe a deeper...
Made a chicken chili recipe, and it was bland. So I took the ingredients and added my own flair. My family loves it when it gets cold out, because they...
Quick, easy, and delicious vegetarian bean chili. Garnish with chopped fresh cilantro, sour cream, grated Monterey Jack cheese, and chopped green onions....
I wanted to make a delicious Crockpot® chili that didn't take an hour to prepare. This one, you just open cans and dump them in! You can let this cook...
If you like really spicy beef chili, this is a quick and simple recipe to try. I don't include measurements for some of the spices as they should be to...
Adapted from an old recipe my mother used for family gatherings. Because you make it in a Crock Pot® it is easy to transport to a party. It's flavorful...
A thick and hearty homemade chili with a kick. If you like a thinner chili, add another can of tomato sauce. Serve topped with a dollop of sour cream,...
A light, spicy soup that is great in any season. I hope you enjoy this recipe; my family sure does! For spicier tastes, add more cayenne or your favorite...
The basis for this recipe came from another site. I modified it a bit so, rather than put my changes as comments for his recipe (I hate when people do...
This recipe was passed down from a friend, and now it is one of our favorites! It's great to make whenever there is left over chicken or turkey around!...
This Mexican pork chili (chile verde) is cooked with the low and slow method in the oven, adding a real depth of flavor that makes the pork fall-apart...
This is an easy slow cooker meal - use your imagination and season it up as you like! Great on a c-c-c-cold winter night! I serve this with grated cheese,...
Change things up this winter by making chili with chicken instead of beef. For a milder version, you can substitute a green bell pepper for the jalapenos....
I was served this dish at a friend's home when we lived in West Virginia. She was from Ohio. I love this dish and serve it often. Note: End result should...
I served mine with some beautifully ripe slices of avocado that gives the final bowl another layer of silky richness. By the way, don't let the cocoa powder...
This mild chili gets its flavor from ground sausage, chunky tomatoes, and kidney beans. For a spicier chili, substitute the mild salsa for a medium to...
This is one of the best, easiest, and tastiest vegetarian chili recipes I've ever tasted. Whenever I make it, my friends devour it. Best eaten with tortilla...
Serve with corn bread and salad. If you cube the chicken ahead of time, make corn bread muffins while preparing the chili, and use a bagged salad mix from...
This is an easy to make departure from your traditional chili. This recipe calls for pepperoni, mushrooms and a jar of prepared spaghetti sauce. Every...
This is my grandmother's recipe for chili and the only one I make for my family now since we all love it so much. This recipe is great after it has sat...
This soup makes a quick meal that you can make as mild or as hot as you like depending on the stewed tomatoes with chilies that you use. Serve with hot...
This easy, filling meal uses lots of fresh vegetables, and some frozen or canned to make it easy. Ground turkey breast can be added for meat lovers. Serve...
This is an easy recipe similar to chili-mac but made with spaghetti. My son loved it and thought it was a neat concept. He even wanted it for breakfast...
A wonderful alternative to the standard red chili. This slow cooker chili is made with chicken, white beans, and green chiles with tomatillos. Serve with...